Friday, September 4, 2015

Benefit Flyer for Marty Kinard

               This is another pro bono benefit flyer done for Crossroads (pool hall/bar in Orangeburg).
I did utilize the patch tool, mainly for, the picture of Marty, his wife, and his two grandsons to make it look as if it was apart of the baseball. I also used a layer style on the background and all of the words in this flyer to make everything look a little more popped out of the picture. The bar owner told me that he and his wife really like the design and were very appreciative.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Flamin' 8Ball Character

         This is a little character designed for a t-shirt idea that is still currently in the works. The flame is the only thing in the picture not drawn, that was pulled from Google images. As for the 8 ball, the eyes and the mouth, those are all drawn with the Adobe Illustrator program. Here are some other versions of this creation.

Breaking 9Ball

                  With this creation, I was just trying to give some life to an ordinary picture of a 9 ball. Comprised in this picture are 4 different photos. I used various layer styles and effects to design this image. This is what the 9 ball looked like before:

               So as you can see I added flames, a darker background, cracks, and even punched in the circled number 9 into the ball a bit. I started designing this while attempting to come up with a logo design for the league operator of TAP, (tap is a pool, as in billiards, league) John Sanders, in Columbia, SC. I'm not sure if he's going to use it, but he has expressed positive comments the design.

Benefit for Blake Jr.

          This is a flyer that I just finished doing for a bar called Belle's Bar and Grill in West Columbia, SC. This flyer was done pro bono to help raise funds for a 3 year old boy that has two deaf parents and is trying to fight through stage 2 brain cancer.

Flyers for Crossroads

        These are a couple of flyers that I have been working up for a great pool hall in Orangeburg, SC called Crossroads. I love pool, so it seems easy for me to produce designs such as these. The owners have exclaimed how very pleased they are with the look and feel of each flyer that I create for them. I was also asked to come up with a new logo for them as well. The logo featured in the right hand corner of each (and the middle of the top one) were also designed by myself.